The imperative
Commands and orders
The imperative is used to give commands and orders. The form of the verb used for the imperative is the base form of the main verb, which is used without a subject.- Walk to the corner, turn right, and cross the road.
- Open your mouth and say ‘Aaaah’.
- Although the main feature of sentences in the imperative is that they have no grammatical subject, they do have an understood subject, ‘you’.
- Come on, Mary; I’m waiting.
- Come on, girls; you’re late.
- Don’t lose that key.
- Do not come back without it!
- to give an order.
- Go away.
- Stop that.
- Keep quiet.
- to give instructions.
- Don’t use this spray near a naked flame.
- Apply the glue thinly and leave it for ten minutes.
- to give advice or warnings.
- Don’t forget to take your passport with you.
- Be careful!
- Don’t go on the ice.
- to make an offer or an invitation.
- Have a piece of cake.
- Come round and see me some time.
- for polite emphasis.
- Do take your coat off.
- to be persuasive.
- Do try to eat a little of this; it will be good for you.
- to show irritation.
- Do stop talking! I’m trying to work.
- Note that the imperative is not the only way to form a command or an order. You can also issue a command when you use a sentence in the declarative or the interrogative.
- I’m certainly not going to get it – you get it.
- Would you get it, then? I’m busy.
Making suggestions
Let’s (let + us) + main verb is used in the 1st person plural only, especially when you are trying to encourage someone to do something with you.It includes both the speaker and the hearer, so the subject that is understood is represented by the plural we.- Let’s visit Malcolm this weekend.
- Please let’s go to the cinema tonight.
- Do let’s have a look at your new computer, Chris.
- Let’s pool our resources.
- Suggestions which start with let’s often end with the sentence tag shall we?
- Let’s phone her now, shall we?
- Let’s go for a walk after supper, shall we?
- Let’s not worry about that now.
- Don’t let’s worry about that now.
- Let us not lose sight of our aims.
- It’s a very good bargain; do let’s buy it!
- The uncontracted form let us + main verb is occasionally used in formal and written English.
- Let us be clear about this.
- Let us hope that this will never happen again.
- Let’s phone her now, shall we? – Yes, let’s.
- Let’s phone her now, shall we? – No, let’s not.
- Let’s invite Malcolm over this weekend. – No, don’t let’s do that.

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